Artificial education




artificial intelligence, learning analytics, intelligent virtual tutor, virtual education.


This paper deals with the use of a new term called "artificial education", which is not yet mentioned in writings or works, where it only appears perhaps as the application of artificial intelligence to the educational field. Its objective is to give an understanding of what is likely to be used soon: artificial education, which is nothing more than the application and obtaining many benefits of artificial intelligence in education; the idea that a machine can create updated curricula based on social demands, labor and knowledge societies, also to consider intelligent tutors to guide student learning, creating learning paths that allow them to learn from their mistakes and directing them to the success of each activity. It also discusses some practical cases in the world of this technology and how the teacher's work is being performed. At the same time, a projection is made of what the educational scenario would be like if we were to consider an advanced artificial intelligence, which would definitively replace the teaching job and the human person. We also talk about educational centers, local in the home, assisted by an artificial intelligence interconnected with others and using digital tools, as well as virtual scenarios assisted by virtual reality and highly sophisticated hardware for real processing of images and updated and purged data. These systems would be fed by communities of artificial intelligences in relation to a discipline or subject, and so on, the continuity and projection of what could be achieved is unimaginable; even more so now with the creation of the meta verse, the evolution of virtual reality, and the increase of immersive devices.


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How to Cite

López De La Cruz, E. C. I., & Arévalo Vidal, S. N. (2022). Artificial education. Desafios, 13(1), 55–61.

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