Remote work and job performance of public servants of the Pillco Marca District Municipality, Huánuco, 2020




workday, working conditions, efficiency, productivity, labor.


Objective. The present research work was developed with the purpose of determining the relationship between the remote work and the job performance of public servants of the Pillco Marca District Municipality, Huánuco (Peru), 2020. Methods. The research, due to its depth, was descriptive-correlational; likewise, due to its purpose, it was applied. The research design was non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational, since it was aimed at determining the degree of relationship between two or more variables, in the case of the remote work variable and the job performance variable. The sample consisted of 101 public servants of the Pillco Marca District Municipality during the year 2020. The secondary data collection method was used by applying the survey technique. Results. The results indicate that the study variables were positively related, but in a very low/weak way; this was due to the fact that statistically the Spearman correlation estimation scale was 0.190. Due to these results the H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Conclusions. It was determined that remote work and job performance of public servants in the Pillco Marca District Municipality are positively related, but very weakly.


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How to Cite

Narvaez del Aguila, M. B., Cabrera Fabian, L. S. V., & Martel-Carranza, C. (2023). Remote work and job performance of public servants of the Pillco Marca District Municipality, Huánuco, 2020. Innovacion Empresarial, 3(1), e20.

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