Diagnosis of tax avoidanceamong traders in a food market





tax avoidance, tax culture, tax avoidance strategy, tax obligations, taxpayer behavior, tax knowledge


Objective. To analyze the level of tax avoidance in the Paucarbambafood market during 2019. Methods. The research approach was quantitative and its design was non-experimental. Data were collected by means of a survey to determine the behavior of the study variable in traders. Results.  It was found that 53 % of the traders opted to pay less taxes without breaking the law, which determines that the level of tax avoidance in the Paucarbamba food market, as of 2019, is constant. Conclusion. The presence of tax avoidance was evidencedby multiple factors that make trade lose efficiency in this market.


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How to Cite

Márquez Lugo, I. S., Torero Solano de Martel, N. Z., Núñez Furo, F., Coronado Chang, L. V., & Martel Carranza, C. P. (2022). Diagnosis of tax avoidanceamong traders in a food market. Innovacion Empresarial, 2(1), e10. https://doi.org/10.37711/rcie.2022.2.1.10

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