Psychological well-being and body dissatisfaction among Peruvian university students




psychological well-being, body dissatisfaction, university students, autonomy


Objective. To explore the influence of body dissatisfaction on psychological well-being
among Peruvian university students. This study followed a quantitative, descriptive
approach and included a sample of 400 male university students. To measure the variable
"body dissatisfaction," the Mental Health Scale (Ryff) was used, comprising 13 items and 4
dimensions. Additionally, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-20) was administered, and
structural modeling analyses were conducted. Results: Psychological well-being showed a
positive influence on body dissatisfaction, with B = 0.75. The effect size was considered large,
with R² = 0.56. Conclusions: Psychological well-being positively influences body dissatisfaction
among Peruvian university students.


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How to Cite

Duran-Carrillo B, Hernandez Aparcana JY, Lopez-Ramirez EV. Psychological well-being and body dissatisfaction among Peruvian university students. Rev Peru Cienc Salud [Internet]. 2024Jul.23 [cited 2024Dec.22];6(3). Available from: