Gamification in the improvement of communication skills in primary school students




communication, student, skill, educational game, communication skills


Objective. To establish the influence of gamification on the improvement of communication skills in primary school students. Methods. The quantitative approach and design were quasi-experimental. The study involved 80 students divided between the control group and the experimental group. The inferential statistic applied was the Mann-Whitney
U test. Results. In the experimental group, 90% of the students in the pretest were at a defcient level, and only 10% were at a regular level. However, after the application of gamification, 78% of the students reached an excellent level, 20% a good level, and only 3% remained at the regular level. The Mann-Whitney U statistic showed a bilateral significance of
0.000. Conclusions. Gamification influences the improvement of communication skills in primary school students; this is because, through gamification, the student interacts with their peers, communicating in different ways with the
intention of overcoming the challenges presented by the game.


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How to Cite

García Vilca, M. J., Núñez Mejía, J., & Gastello Mathews, W. (2024). Gamification in the improvement of communication skills in primary school students. Desafios, 15(2).



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