In love we make remixes, covers; only versions




love, attachment, heartbreak, remix, cover, standard


In love we make versions (remixes and covers) of the original love and these recreations are made based on the style of attachment that we consolidate: both the secure and the insecure (anxious, avoidant and disorganized). And we have
collaborators, because in love we need cooperation, just as to create albums in music production we need musicians and singers who are creative and complex, because if it is simple it will not last long in the market and the same would happen in love, because it needs creativity and complexity; otherwise it would enter into tedium and boredom. To explain the love phenomenon, the explanation would be elsewhere, that is, to understand love, let's understand the music industry, its standardization, and thus we would understand that we are all copying each other in the way we
love, and we are mostly copying in the deformed version of love: lovelessness, which is now the standard version of


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How to Cite

Abregú Jaucha, W. N. (2023). In love we make remixes, covers; only versions. Desafios, 14(1), 56–59.

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