Qichwa Yaru (Pasco)-Huánuco: problematic, "re-visions" and cultural resistance. A transcomplex and transdisciplinary vision





Yaru-Huánuco, translations, Qichwa writing, transcendence, Qichwa characteristics, invigoration- identity-values


This paper is an analysis of the complex situation in which our millennial language is located: Qichwa, at the two hundred years of Republic. In this moment of revaluation of identities, the objective is none other than to contribute with the vindication of our first national language. The applied methodology has been observational, descriptive and analytical. After consulting studies from the times of the Spanish invasion, such as the treatise Arte, y Vocabulario EN LA LENGUA General del Perv, llamada Quichua, y en la lengua Española, by Fray Domingo de S. Thomas (1560), to the various current linguistic and pedagogical studies, we came to the conclusion that, in this region, the Qichwa language has suffered interference from Spanish in a distorting and discriminating manner, as in Peruvian society itself. As a conclusion, our language is devalued, distorted and greatly affected in its structure, morphology, phonetics and, mainly, in its senses and meanings.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Condezo, V. (2020). Qichwa Yaru (Pasco)-Huánuco: problematic, "re-visions" and cultural resistance. A transcomplex and transdisciplinary vision. Desafios, 12(2), 162–170. https://doi.org/10.37711/desafios.2021.12.1.271