Hierarchy of cities in Peru for regionalization purposes





urban hierarchies, cities, regions, system of cities


Objective. To classify hierarchically the cities of Peru according to their importance for the regionalization processes. Methods. The study had a quantitative approach, simple descriptive design; as a data collection instrument, a city hierarchy card was applied, which measured the dimensions of demographic size, economic size and urban relevance; A factor analysis was made of cities with more than 50 thousand inhabitants, taking as a sample 42 cities in Peru, excluding Metropolitan Lima. Results. It was found as cities of first hierarchy: Arequipa in the south of the country, Trujillo, Chiclayo and Piura in the north, Cuzco in the south east and Huancayo in the center; in second hierarchy: Tacna, Ica, Chimbote, Iquitos, Pucallpa; third hierarchy Ayacucho, Moquegua and Huánuco. Conclusions. The cities that most influence the regionalization processes at the macro-regional level are: in the north Trujillo, in the south Arequipa, in the center Huancayo, in the south-east Cusco of the first hierarchical rank and in the east Iquitos of the second rank.


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How to Cite

Arana Velarde, F., & Alania Contreras, R. D. (2020). Hierarchy of cities in Peru for regionalization purposes. Desafios, 12(1), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.37711/desafios.2021.12.1.257



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