Complaint management in health services at a Hospital in Northern Lima, 2022
complaint management, healthcare, service quality, sanctions, patientAbstract
Objective. To analyze the strategies used to manage complaints in the outpatient services of a hospital in Northern Lima (Peru) in 2022. Methods. A qualitative approach with a case study design and an interpretive-constructivist paradigm was used. The sample consisted of 60 complaint reports filed between January 1 and December 31, 2022. The data were organized in Excel, coded, and thematically categorized, ensuring anonymization. Results. The identifed strategies included sanctions against the involved staff, compensations for users, quality measures such as training and evaluations, and, in some cases, the rejection of complaints as
unfounded or inadmissible due to insufficient supporting evidence. Conclusions. The hospital
primarily implements reactive measures to manage complaints, lacking a proactive, preventive, and patient-centered approach, which limits its ability to continuously improve service quality
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