Results of the system of science and technological innovation in health in the Cuban context




science management, authorship and co-authorship in scientifc publication, research projects, public health


Objective. To compare the main results achieved in the scientifc production of the entities belonging to the System of Science and Technological Innovation in
Health (SCIT) in the municipality of Sagua La Grande, Cuba, in 2020 and 2021. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was developed, whose population consisted of health professionals (N = 1551) working in the health institutions of the municipality. The data were collected through the document review technique, considering the information stored in the databases of the regulatory body. The non-parametric inferential chi-square test made it
possible to compare the frequency distributions of the variables based on the association by non-homogeneity. Results. The predominance of projects
contracted in 2020 (33) was observed. The professionals of the secondary health care level had more presentations of papers in scientifc events in the investigated
environment; however, most of the publications were authored by those affliated to the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sagua La Grande. Conclusions. The scientifc potential of the Health Science and Technological Innovation System in the municipality of Sagua La Grande has characteristics that favor the generationof products that have an impact on health care services


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How to Cite

Roque Herrera Y, Blanco Balbeito N, Criollo Criollo A del R, Erazo Parra JL. Results of the system of science and technological innovation in health in the Cuban context. revista de salud udh [Internet]. 2023Jul.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];5(2):136-41. Available from:

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