Presentation of case report: Spontaneous thrombosis of the epigastric vein with extesnion to the scrotal vein


  • Gianmarco Camelo Pardo Medico
  • Wilmer Rivero Rodríguez Hospital Internacional
  • Silvia Patricia Delgado Caballero Hospital Universitario de Santander
  • Sebastián Pinzón Vargas Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia
  • Nancy Karol Bueno Prato Universidad de Santander UDES



Thrombosis; signs and symptoms; mortality; ultrasonography doppler duple; case Report.


Introduction: Venous thromboembolic disease is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death. The global annual incidence is 0.1%to 0.71% affecting up to 5% of the population during their lifetime, in urology its incidence ranges from 0.7% to 1.2%. There are multiple risk factors that increase trombotic events. Doppler ultrasound is the test of choice for diagnosis. Anticoagulant treatment plays an important role in the management of venous thromboembolic diseases and its objective is to reduce morbidity and mortality. 

Objective: We present the case of a male patient without medical history with clinical symptoms of abdominal pain with irradiation to the inguinal región, incidental radiological diagnosis in Doppler ultrasound of spontaneous venous thrombosis of the epigastric vein with extends to the scrotal vein requiring anticoagulation treatment. Allowing to remember the importance of differential diagnosis.  

Discusion: Thromboembolic disease is a pathology with cardiovascular complications.Its etiology is multifactorial and Doppler ultrasound is the diagnostic method of choice. In this report we present a patient without medical history with clinical symptoms nonspecific abdominal pain with a finding ultrasound of spontaneous venous thrombosis of the epigastric vein with extends to the scrotal vein, the patient had high lupus anticoagulant values as a risk factor, which would allow suspecting this pathology in patients with abdominal pain as a differential diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Wilmer Rivero Rodríguez, Hospital Internacional

Médico y Cirujano, Fellowship Cirugía mínimamente invasiva Centro Cirugía Robótica y Mínima Invasión Caracas, Fellowship Andrología y Fertilidad

Silvia Patricia Delgado Caballero, Hospital Universitario de Santander

Fonoaudióloga, Universidad de Santander UDES. Estudiante posgrado Audiología

Sebastián Pinzón Vargas , Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia


Nancy Karol Bueno Prato, Universidad de Santander UDES




How to Cite

Camelo Pardo G, Rivero Rodríguez W, Delgado Caballero SP, Pinzón Vargas S, Bueno Prato NK. Presentation of case report: Spontaneous thrombosis of the epigastric vein with extesnion to the scrotal vein. revista de salud udh [Internet]. 2024Jul.15 [cited 2024Sep.27];6(3). Available from:

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