Editorial policy


Desafíos. Revista científica de ciencias sociales y humanidades is the official publication of the Vice-Rectorate of Research of the Universidad de Huánuco (Peru), aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge related to the field of social sciences and humanities. It is published in one volume every year with two biannual issues (January-June; July- December) and uses double-blind peer-review.

It  is an open access journal, distributed in printed  and electronic version at the following URL:


The journal has been published since 2013 in printed format in a multidisciplinary way and was incorporated into the Latindex directory (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). In 2019, the journal adopted only the social and humanities focus, emphasizing the electronic format of its articles in the Open Journal System, OJS (PDF, HTML and XML) to give them greater visibility and accessibility.

The journal is currently in the Latindex 2.0 catalog (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). We are also in the National Digital Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation (Alicia) of CONCYTEC, ROAD, PKP INDEX, Base, LatinRev, REDIB, MIAR, JournalTOCs, LA Referencia, AURA, ERIHPLUS, DARDO, OAJI, Dialnet, LATINOAMERICANA.

1.1. Objetive

Disseminate scientific knowledge related to the field of social sciences and humanities of national and international researchers who publish in the journal Desafíos.



2.1 Open access policy

Desafíos is an open access journal, published on a continuous. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full content of the articles, or use them for any scholarly research work, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author, that is under the Creative Commons license, CC-BY 4.0.

In addition, the journal supports and adheres to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) (https://sfdora.org/read/es/) and emphasizes published research.


2.2 Copyrights

In case the manuscript is approved for publication, the  authors  will  keep  the  copyright  and  will cede to the journal the rights of publication,   edition, reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication at the national and international levels in the different existing databases, repositories and portals.

Authors will guarantee to the journal the right     of first publication of their article, which will be simultaneously subject to CC-BY 4.0  that allows   to reuse the work as long as its author and its first publication in this journal are  indicated.

The uthors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for distribution of the article version (e.g., databases, repositories, open access portals) as long as the  initial  publication  in this  journal  is indicated.


2.3 Self-archiving policy

The author may share, disseminate and publicize their research published in  the  journal  through  the different means of communication (academic social networks, repositories, portals, libraries, etc.) available on the web.


2.4 Evaluation

Manuscripts are received by e-mail and through the OJS (Open Journal System) and are initially evaluated by the Scientific Committee as a first filter within the formal processes. If the proposals do not meet the criteria required by the Journal (editorial and instructive policy), they will not be able to continue with the editorial process and will be returned to the corresponding author. If they meet the requirements, authors will be informed that the manuscript will continue with the blind peer review process.

A first editorial response on the status of the manuscript applying for publication will be sent within a period of no less than 15 calendar days. Once the first observations have been verified, the manuscript will enter the peer review process. The average number of weeks between the submission of the article and publication is 8 weeks, being disseminated in PDF and HTML format on the web page as continuous publication.

2.4.1 Initial review

At the beginning of the editorial process, the received articles are evaluated by the Editorial Committee of the journal. Some articles will not be accepted immediately if they are not conforming to the editorial line and do not meet the requirements stipulated in the Instructions for Authors. The other articles will be submitted to blind peer review.

Receipt of the manuscript does not guarantee its publication. These are submitted to an evaluation  by   external   academics,   maintaining  anonymity between authors and reviewer. Articles are evaluated according to the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE (https://publicationethics. org/files/COPE_Peer_Review_Guidance_ BOOKLET.pdf).


2.4.2 External peer review

The type of review is double-blind. The external reviewers issue their rating and send suggestions with recommendations to improve the article. Peer review guarantees the quality, originality, feasibility and scientific rigor of a research article. In this sense, it is a mandatory process for all types of manuscripts received by the journal, except for editorials.

Articles are evaluated by external peer reviewers with experience and knowledge on the topic to which the article refers. Expert reviewers in statistics will also be available.

For peer review, two or three reviewers per original article (including short original) are invited to anonymously review the papers within a period of 15 days at the request of the Editorial Committee.


2.4.3 Final decision

Once the evaluation of the external peer reviewers has been received, the Editorial Committee will decide whether to approve the publication, not to approve it, or to send the observations considered pertinent to the authors. These observations are sent to the author, who is given 20 days to submit the observations requested.

Depending on the case, the Editorial Committee may resubmit the corrected article to a reviewer before considering its publication. No paper will be definitively accepted until all the observations have been corrected. If the corrections have not been submitted within two months, the article will be rejected and the author will be notified of this decision.

The average time of the editorial process from the reception of the article to the decision of the Editorial Committee varies between one to two months. The author may request information on the progress of the review of the article, or check his/her OJS account to verify the editorial process in which his/her article is.

If there is controversy regarding the decision, the general editor or the scientific editor will make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript, which will be endorsed by the Editorial Committee following the recommendations of COPE (https://publicationethics.org/).  Any  decision  made   by the Editorial Committee will be informed to the corresponding author by e-mail.


2.4.4 Proof of printing

It is the stage of the editorial process coming after the layout and editing of the article to be published. A proof of printing will be sent to the author in PDF format. Corrections or approval of the manuscript must be carefully reviewed and submitted within 48 hours.

The Editorial Committee reserves itself the right to accept or not the corrections made by the author in the printing proof.

During the editing and style correction process, the journal reserves itself the right to make changes or introduce modifications to the article for a better understanding of the text.


2.4.5 Appeal

Authors who feel that their manuscripts were erroneously rejected can e-mail a letter of appeal  to the general editor who handled the manuscript. The letter  should  detail  the  author’s  concern  and state how the manuscript can be revised or clarified to address the key problems mentioned   by the editors and reviewers. Editors rarely reverse their original decisions. Many rejections involve priority judgments by editors that authors generally cannot address through an appeal. Upon receipt   of an appeal, editors may confirm their decision to reject the manuscript, invite a revised manuscript, or seek additional peer review or statistical review of the original  manuscript.


2.5 Withdrawal of items

Manuscripts may be withdrawn when they are in the initial evaluation or blind peer review phase, but articles accepted for publication in the journal Desafíos cannot be withdrawn.

Withdrawal procedure: you must send an e-mail to the editor, requesting the withdrawal of the manuscript and wait for the response, before you can submit your research to another journal.


2.6 Mandatory Documentation

Los autores deberán adjuntar el manuscrito completo, incluyendo tablas o figuras en un solo  envío y dentro del mismo archivo en formato Word. Ademas deben adjuntar el Formato de declaración de autoría (Word), Declaración jurada (Word) y formulario de originalidad (Word) respectivamente llenada y firmada por el autor principal. Para que pueda iniciar el proceso editorial, de no cumplirse, se devolverá el artículo al autor.

2.7 Digital preservation

This journal uses the Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) system to keep the metadata of the journal’s articles in a permanent and secure archive (disclaimer).

LOCKSS is an open-source program developed by the Stanford University Library that allows publishers to preserve the metadata of articles.


2.8 Frequency of publication

Desafíos is a biannual electronic journal (two issues: January-June and July- December). Advance publication of articles has been applied since 2020.


2.9 Payment for publication of articles (APC)

The journal does not apply article processing charges (APC) for any of the accepted manuscripts. This includes  reception,  initial  review,  peer review, proofreading and style correction, layout, publication, DOI assignment and others.


2.10 Disclaimer of liability

The journal does not endorse the opinions expressed by  the  authors.  The  opinions  expressed  by   the authors are their sole responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board of the journal.


2.11 Privacy Statement

The journal will preserve the names and data included in the OJS registry. They will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by the journal and will not be available to any media or external persons.



3.1 Plagiarism detection policy

The Editorial Committee established as editorial policy that articles submitted to the journal for evaluation of their publication should be submitted to a similarity detection software for the identification of plagiarism (Turnitin). Only articles with a maximum of 20% of coincidence with other publications will be accepted, provided that such coincidence does not consist entirely of several consecutive paragraphs. Articles that exceed this percentage will be returned to the author with the corresponding report so that he/she can make the respective corrections and, if considered convenient, may be sent again to the Journal to be evaluated for publication.

3.2 Policies for sanctioning inappropriate behavior

The set of inappropriate behaviors includes: falsification of data, manipulation of data in favor of the results, indiscriminate use of self-citations and unjustified authorship. If any of these malpractices are found in any article, the Editorial Committee will evaluate the case and submit it for sanction according to the type of misconduct.

3.2.1 Minor infractions

Minor infractions are offenses that do not justify a full investigation, in which all parties involved have the right to reply; for example, unjustified inclusion of authors, abuse of self-citation, among others considered by the Committee.

3.2.2 Serious violations

This type of misconduct requires a full investigation involving the superiors and employers of the person objectively accused for notification. In case there are indications of guilt, the Journal may involve external experts (limited number of persons to be considered by the Editorial Committee) for the final opinion and sanction (alteration of results, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, double submission of articles, among others considered by the Committee). The author has the right to appeal this decision.

3.2.3 Consequences

The Journal decides on the type of sanction depending on the seriousness of the infraction:

a) In the case of minor misconduct, The Journal will send a notification to those involved, about the misconduct committed, so that they can avoid this type of behavior in the future.

b) In the case of serious misconduct, La Revista may send a formal letter to the editor, the financial body or the superior of the persons involved, explaining the case in question. Depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, the Journal may publish an editorial on the unethical conduct, attaching the name of the persons involved (the specific case), delete or withdraw the publications of the persons involved indefinitely.

3.3 Conflicts of interest

Authors should indicate in the article, in detail, if there is any conflict of interest that should be submitted for evaluation (conflicts of interest can be moral, economic, labor or research).

3.4 Ethical responsibility

The Journal complies with the ethical standards stipulated by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications (COPE), whose recommendations are found in the Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Good Practice for Journal Editors. This information is available at: http://publicationethics.org

The journal applies the COPE recommendations on the policy for detecting ethical errors in publication, such as: plagiarism, fictitious authorship, changes in authorship, redundant publication, manipulation of data and conflicts of interest.

3.5 Contribution of authors

All authors must have made substantial contributions in each of the following areas:

The conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.

The initial proposal of the article or critical revision of the intellectual content.

Final approval of the submitted version. Authors are advised to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their article for the first time. No addition, deletion, or rearrangement of authors' names is permitted in any way after entry into the review.

3.6 Control

Only papers that include an affidavit of originality and ethics will be considered to start the evaluation process; and this must be expressly stated in the article (ethical responsibility section).



This Journal is sponsored by the Universidad de Huánuco.



5.   OAI-PMH

The OAI-PMH (Open Archi-ves Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol for metadata retrieval of Desafíos journal articles: http://revistas.udh.edu.pe/index.php/udh/oai



The rejection rate for Challenges is greater than 30% of articles per issue.

Vol. 12 no. 1 of 2021 =50%.

Vol. 11 no. 1 and 2 of 2020 =40%.

Vol. 10 no. 1 and 2 of 2019 = 30%.