Implementation of a system in the cloud for the optimization of sales in Importations Gamarra E.I.R.L.


  • Miguel Delfín Román Victorio Ministerio Público, sede central, Lima, Perú.



information system, sales management, time reduction, significant improvement


Objective. Streamline sales processes in the company Gamarra Imports E.I.R.L., by means of the implementation of an information system in the Amazon cloud, in Huanuco city, 2022. Methods. It was about a pre-experimental design with a small group that realized tests preview and post by separate. The population was conformed by the processes related to the sales, for which 30 sales activities were determined in a non-probabilistic way, focused on sales, reports, closings and elaboration of payment vouchers. The evaluation instrument employed was a technical sheet that allowed to measure the realization time of a sale, of a close weekly and monthly report, and the elaboration time of a payment voucher. Results. A signifcant improvement in sales management was demonstrated, with a reduction in the tasks fnalization time, such as recording sales, closing reports and elaboration payment vouchers. On average, a reduction of 14 seconds was observed after implemented the cloud information system. Conclusions. This study highlights the optimization of sales processes through the use of information systems in the cloud for sales, reports generation, and payment voucher elaboration.


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How to Cite

Román Victorio, M. D. (2024). Implementation of a system in the cloud for the optimization of sales in Importations Gamarra E.I.R.L. Innovacion Empresarial, 4(1).