Microalbuminuria as an early marker of preeclampsia in patients with risk factors





preeclampsia, risk factors, albuminuria, microalbuminuria, pregnancy


Objective. To determine whether microalbuminuria is a marker for the early diagnosis of preeclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy in patients with risk factors. Methods. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted, evaluating pregnant women in their third trimester with preeclampsia risk factors, through a questionnaire from the records of the Chemistry Area, and clinical files between August and November 2022. A total of 104 pregnant women in the third trimester with preeclampsia risk factors participated. The questionnaire, validated by experts, explored aspects such as the patients' age, number of children, family history of preeclampsia, personal history of preeclampsia, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, and kidney disease. Microalbuminuria was determined using an immunoturbidimetric technique. Clinical records were used to establish how many of the participants developed preeclampsia. Results. 39 (37.5%) of the total patients studied exhibited microalbuminuria, with results of [median (Q1 - Q3)] (mg/g creatinine) = 45 (39 - 60). Among them, 30 (77%) developed preeclampsia. The sensitivity of microalbuminuria for the diagnosis of preeclampsia was 83%, and the specificity was 94%. A highly significant association (p = 0.0001) was found between microalbuminuria and the development of preeclampsia [OR = 10.29;
CI = 95% (4.74-22.34)]. Conclusion. Microalbuminuria proved to be a predictive marker of preeclampsia in pregnant patients within the third trimester of gestation with risk factors.


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How to Cite

Zurita Cañizares CA. Microalbuminuria as an early marker of preeclampsia in patients with risk factors. revista de salud udh [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];6(1). Available from: http://revistas.udh.edu.pe/index.php/RPCS/article/view/570