Parenting styles and social media addiction among adolescents in the Peruvian jungle




addiction, adolescents, parenting styles, social media, parents


Objective. To evaluate the relationship between parenting styles and addiction to social media among students in state
educational institutions in the Peruvian jungle, 2022. Methodology. The research had a quantitative, correlational, nonexperimental, and cross-sectional approach. The population consisted of 300 students, while the sample was formed
by 250 students, included through intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Steinberg's parenting styles scale and
the Social Media Addiction Questionnaire (ARS-6) were used. The Spearman's rho statistical test and the Fisher test
were also employed. Results. When verifying the relationship of parenting styles, in the commitment dimension,
a rho coefcient of -0.112; p = 0.07 was observed, indicating no relationship in the behavioral control dimension
(rho = -0.103), while a signifcant relationship was evidenced in the autonomy dimension (rho = 0.148, p = 0.020).
Conclusion. It was found that parenting styles in the commitment and autonomy dimensions were not related
to social media addiction; however, the autonomy dimension did have a relationship with social media addiction
among students in state educational institutions in the Peruvian jungle, 2022.


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How to Cite

Sandoval-Correa, D., & Buelot-Becerra, K. (2024). Parenting styles and social media addiction among adolescents in the Peruvian jungle. Desafios, 15(1).



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