
LATINDEX is the product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that work in a coordinated manner to gather and disseminate bibliographic information on scientific publications produced in the region.

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open access journals. Today, this independent index contains nearly 17,500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Open access journals from all countries and in all languages are accepted for indexing.

REDIB is a platform for the aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in Ibero-America.

Journals Tocs contains the metadata of more than 21,000 journals, making it one of the largest collections of tables of contents pertaining to research journals.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is a multidisciplinary search engine created by the Bielefeld University Library, Germany. BASE is a registered service provider for the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and has contributed to the Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER) project since June 2006.

CONCYTEC's Open Access to Scientific Information for Innovation (ALICIA) portal. ALICIA is the national repository that harvests the scientific production of Peru.

LA REFERENCIA, is the open access repository network, gives visibility to the scientific production of higher education and research institutions in Latin America.

AURA is the space from which AmeliCA intends to reflect the general state of scientific journals regarding the policies of openness and exploitation rights of scientific publication. The objective of AURA is to know the editorial policies of scientific journals regarding access to their archives, exploitation rights and publication licenses and how these may affect their subsequent self-archiving in institutional or thematic repositories. The journals are classified by color following the DULCINEA and SHERPA/ROMEO taxonomy.

DARDO is a system in which publishers can publish information about their journals and regularly promote their call for papers (CFP). Through the information published, researchers will be able to learn about a wide variety of reliable scientific journal options and schedule the submission of their manuscripts to regular, special or monographic issues.

The Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR) is a computerized tool to find out the quality of the journal where you plan to send a manuscript. In addition to this finding, you can find out directly the journal's policy on the publication of pre-prints.  Big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence platform for data analysis of journals, research and publications worldwide.

AmeliCA is a communication infrastructure for scholarly publishing and open science. It is a cooperatively sustained initiative focused on the not-for-profit publishing model to preserve the scholarly and open nature of scientific communication.

AmeliCA emerged as Open Knowledge for Latin America and the Global South, however, in August 2019 and in the face of a regional context in which platforms, national science councils, academic institutions and part of the academic community devalue local publishing by aligning to the strategies of commercial publishers; and in an international context where initiatives such as Plan S define open science as the way forward, AmeliCA and Redalyc join forces to strengthen the non-profit publishing model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication (also known as the diamond model), beyond the Global South. This effort, born in the South and for the South, is open to all journals in the world that work for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable science communication ecosystem.