
1. In scientific publications
2. Experimental research on humans and animals
3. Informed consent

1. In scientific publications
The Journal conforms to the ethical standards stipulated by the international Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), whose recommendations are found in the Code of conduct and best practice: guidelines for journal editors (
The Journal has a policy of detecting unethical publication such as: plagiarism, fictitious authorship, changes of authorship, redundant publication, data manipulation and undisclosed conflict of interest.
If any unethical publication is detected, the article will be rejected or retracted and the measures recommended by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications will be taken, including informing the author, the other authors, the institution where he/she belongs, his/her superiors, the funding entity, the ethics committee of his/her institution, other scientific journals and other authorities of the misconduct. A computer software will be used to detect ethical misconduct in publication.

2. Experimental research on humans and animals
Articles describing experiments on human beings should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional or regional Ethics Committee (must have the letter of approval of the Ethics Committee of the institution or authorized entity) and the Declaration of Helsinki. In Peru, the rules to be followed for experimentation on human are established in the Reglamento de Ensayos Clínicos en el Perú (Decreto Supremo No. 021-2017-SA).
The names of the patients should not be mentioned (anonymity of the patients or participants in the article should be guaranteed, etc.), their initials or or medical record number and, in general, data that would allow the identification of the subjects of the study. The recognizable characteristics of the photographs of identifiable persons should be masked.
For animal experimentation, the authors will take into consideration international standards for the use of experimental animals, in particular those recommended by the Office of Animal Care and Use of National Institutes of Health ( wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Gui%CC%81a-for-Care-and-Laboratory-Animals.pdf). Such experimentation should be thoroughly detailed in the methods section.

3. Informed consent

According to the Ethical Guidelines of the American College of Epidemiology (ACE) 2000, informed consent is a process by which sufficient information is provided to the potential participant to enable him/her to make a decision about whether or not to participate in the research.

The information that the participant receives in the informed consent should be in simple language, be understandable, and contain details about possible benefits and risks that could occur as a possible consequence of the procedures. It should be executed respecting the freedom and autonomy of the research subject.

A written form should be used to provide evidence of informed consent, which should be signed by the participant or his/her legal representative. This consent must have been approved by a research ethics committee.

The Revista Peruana de Ciencias de la Salud requires that all articles involving research on human subjects explicitly state that informed consent was obtained, in addition to defining when it was requested and providing details of how it was carried out; this should be included in the Materials and Methods section (or equivalent according to the type of study).

In the case of Case Reports, the authors should state whether they have the informed consent of the patient or responsible relatives. If it is not possible to obtain the informed consent of the patient or responsible relatives for any valid reason, the approval of an ethics committee must be obtained to carry out the research.

For case reports, the informed consent should include permission for publication of the case and photographs in journals or other forms of scientific publication. In addition, the authors must have the permission of the head of the hospital department or service or equivalent for the publication of the report.