The mental health of health professionals: A forgotten and overlooked issue




salud mental, personal de salud, deterioro de la salud mental, trabajadores de salud


Health professionals are subjected daily to stressful and demanding situations, from which they receive a negative effect on their psychological balance. Constant and numerous studies document the high prevalence of psychological alterations. Thus, a Mexican study in 2006 evaluated 173 professionals, doctors and nurses, and found that 43.2% had a high prevalence of depersonalization and at least 41.4% of emotional exhaustion (1). In addition, when the mental health of 178 primary care health workers in Spain was evaluated during 2014, 39.3% were found with burnout syndrome, with the male gender, being an urban employee, and workload prevailing as associated factors.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez LB. The mental health of health professionals: A forgotten and overlooked issue. revista de salud udh [Internet]. 2024May20 [cited 2024Jul.3];6(1). Available from: