Bioethical reflection as a particularization of the anthropometric vision in the philosophy of law



person, human rights, bioethic, biolaw, life sciences


The connotation of the category "person" has varied throughout the history of the philosophy of law. This condition underlies
the recognition of particular rights that are transformed as of the material conditions that impact on its confguration and
enjoyment. Immersed in the dynamism of scientific and technical development, the law has been bounded to reconfigure itself on the basis of new requirements of justice imposed by the growth of biosciences, for example, culminating in new philosophical
reflections that take the person as the center and pursue the protection of dignity.


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How to Cite

Zaldivar Marrón, S. (2024). Bioethical reflection as a particularization of the anthropometric vision in the philosophy of law. Revista Jurídica Peruana Desafíos En Derecho, 1(1), 3. Retrieved from