Restitution of the investigative capacity of the National Police of Peru



police report, police attested, fiscal fle, fiscal opinion, court sentence


Objective. To observe in order to reinforce the analysis of the normative criminal, police and prosecutorial procedural policy in the framework of the restitution of the investigative capacity of the National Police of Peru. Methods. The research was developed under the paradigm of qualitative research, since it is a juridic dogmatic or juridic-substantive and formal adjective research, employing the Interpretive-hermeneutic and inductive method, presenting beforehand the state of the art, the theoretical framework and the review of bibliographic sources based on a wide documentary material (sentences, fscal fles, texts, journals and legal norms). The article also handles a descriptive-explanatory level of analysis. Results. The current state of the police investigation process has resulted in a long delay in the administrative procedure, which causes a bureaucratization of the processes, unduly prolonging the judge's ronouncement and, in many cases, the detainees placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office are released. This leads to two types of protest: from the public, including criticism from the press, and from the police institution itself. Conclusions. It is suggested that the work previously carried out by the Investigation Police (PIP) be fully resumed and that it be immediately validated by the prosecutor who initiates the preliminary process. This would speed up the deadlines and would bring us closer to an effective and real justice.


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How to Cite

Zevallos Acosta, U., & Zevallos López, Z. V. (2024). Restitution of the investigative capacity of the National Police of Peru. Revista Jurídica Peruana Desafíos En Derecho, 1(1), 4. Retrieved from