Real and effective representativity of the Senate departments of the Republic of Colombia and its Constitutional reforms



departments, political reforms, electoral representation, Senate, vote, elections


Objective. To recognize the structure of the political representation of the Senate regarding the territory. Methodology. The study was of qualitative approach, descriptive and inductive, since it was carried out by means of an inductive process based on the documentary review of texts, such as the Political Constitution of Colombia, scientific journals, gray literature, textbooks, literature and history about the Congress of the republic, among others. Results. An imbalance in the number of senators per
constituency was presented, Which can be translate in insufficient representation for some departments, that would be left out of the decisions taken and the debates that could have incidence on the interests of the citizens of the territories with smaller populations vs. the capital cities with relation to infrastructure and development projects that improve the quality of life of the people. Conclusions. It is evident that since the Senate is the place where the inhabitants can make their voices heard, be heard and manage solutions for all regions, by not having a representative distribution of the national territory, it is not possible to provide guarantees for equitable regional development according to the territorial approach, in order to keep the logical proportions of the exercise of citizen and political participation.


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Author Biographies

Javier Mauricio García Chiquito, Universidad de Manizales

Magister en dirección de empresas. Egresado Universidad de Manizales, Colombia. Correo electrónico:  Orcid:

Julian Andrés Martinez Noreña, Universidad de Manizales

2Magister en Derecho. Filiación: Universidad de Manizales, Colombia. correo electrónico: Orcid:


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How to Cite

García Chiquito, J. M., Martinez Noreña, J. A., & Gallego Betancourth, M. L. (2024). Real and effective representativity of the Senate departments of the Republic of Colombia and its Constitutional reforms. Revista Jurídica Peruana Desafíos En Derecho, 1(2). Retrieved from