Urban geography and tourist enclaves of the district of Huánuco



Touristic enclaves, cultural agents, urban tourism, soil use


Objective. Knowing the urban geographic composition of the district of Huánuco, focusing on cultural agents and tourist enclaves. Methods. The methodology developed used spatial representation and analysis tools, with satellite images. Results. It was identified that the tourist spaces in the district of Huanuco reveal that the fracture of the tourist landscape units, according to land use, manage to introduce diversity and cultural differences, rather than monotony and uniformity. Conclusions.The enclave tourist spots emerge as fractured, excluding and protected landscapes; in this way they encapsulate an intimate concept of the district of Huánuco.


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How to Cite

Vasquez Huamancaja, E. R., Cornejo Chávez, C. T., Ramírez Díaz, M. J., & Santiago Simón, G. (2024). Urban geography and tourist enclaves of the district of Huánuco. Revista Científica De Ingeniería, Diseño Y Arquitectura Contemporánea, 1(1), 16–24. Retrieved from http://revistas.udh.edu.pe/index.php/idac/article/view/520