Soils fertility of San Isidro sector, province of Leoncio Prado, Huanuco, Peru



Spatial distribution, Soils fertility, interpolation, sector, chemical fertility


Objective. Knowing the chemical fertility of the soil of the San Isidro sector, province of Leoncio Prado and to represent through thematic maps the geographic distribution of soil fertility as a function of physiographic units. Methods. Was made a physiographic map where three physiographic units appear. Three sites were then selected. Sampling for each of these units resulted in a total of nine samples that were taken to the soil laboratory for examination. The results were used to calculate chemical fertility using the methodology proposed by the Agus-tín Codazzi Geographic Institute and were interpolated using ArcGis software. Results. Fertility levels: low in samples 01, 02, 04, 05, 06 and 08; moderate in samples 03, 07 and 09. Regarding spatial distribution, according to the physiographic unit, the highest percentage of low fertility is found in Ma with 51.11 %, then in Ta2 with 9.93 %, and the lowest percentage in Ta1 with 7.17 %. At a moderate level, the highest percentage is also found in Ma with 21.82 %, followed by Ta2 which occupies 8.48 %, and finally and in the lowest percentage it is located in Ta1 with 1.50 % of the total area. Conclusion. The soil fertility found in the San Isidro sector corresponds to low and moderate fertility; and as for the spatial distribution of fertility, the highest percentage is low, with 68.21 % (177.89 ha)


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How to Cite

Mejia Aguirre, Y. (2024). Soils fertility of San Isidro sector, province of Leoncio Prado, Huanuco, Peru. Revista Científica De Ingeniería, Diseño Y Arquitectura Contemporánea, 1(1), 33–38. Retrieved from